Sunday, June 27, 2010

Note from London

This is a short note I wrote during my layover in London....

Heathrow Intl. Airport .. 8:40 am

I sit in a small cafe all alone, just finished up my mocha coffee, reading from the book of James, reflecting on the past 2 1/2 weeks. The rest of the guys have ventured off into the streets of London, but i feel the need to be alone with my thoughts and my Lord. I am feverishly fight back tears, my mind has finally slowed in order to begin processing all I have just experienced. For the first time in my life I feel like a man, a man that has tasted a life of adventure that God intended for us to live. I hoped for adventure, I found it.. I hoped for an experience that would stretch me, it found me. All in all, I feel as if my entire life has been planned and executed for this one moment, this moment of time that has forever changed me. The excitement I feel is the same as when standing on a cliff, looking down at the water, water that will be my final destination in a journey that needs but one step taken, the rest will take care of itself.

All previous journeys I have taken in my life have always... always... left me with a sense of dissatisfaction, not being able to taste and see the true identities of the cultures I attempted to immerse myself in. This time things are different, I connected with a people group, they connected with me and showed me what it is to love my Jesus. I spent time in their homes, ate at there tables, embraced their children. Peered into their almost black eyes and there I saw the face of Christ. I will never be the same ...

Missions is not merely about taking a trip to see how the rest of the world lives, nor is it simply a means of humanitarian acts, it is the ultimate adventure. You never know what will happen, who you will meet, what you will experience.

Thank you, India ... Thank you, my God

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance.

June, 11… part B… “We’re All Gonna Die”

So, Friday night rolls around, great dinner, the start of the World Cup, just a great night to relax and enjoy our surroundings. Before I go any further, I must say that right now is ‘monsoon season’ here in India. It comes on the heels of the Indian summer, so it rains quite a bit… pretty much like the summer showers we see in Alabama, just with a lot more water.

That night it had been raining for several hours, the first World Cup match (Mexico/South Africa) had come to a close and the satellite feed was going in and out due to the weather and we had no internet, so no one was able to contact the states. We then decided to go to the movies, Grace and Alyssa were pretty fired up about seeing the new ‘Karate Kid’ movie.

We all pile up in the cars and head out… Mind you, from the moment we get in the car I start telling Eddie about the experiences I’ve had on this trip that I’ve never had. I begin to list off everything… then it happened… about that time we pull into the street and see water everywhere. Eddie says, we can get through this (after all, this aint his first rodeo), but the further we go down the street the higher the water gets. We then realize that we can’t go back… we MUST go forward or get stuck.

As we move further down the street, in the dark, I start to get a little nervous, not too nervous, but nervous none the less. About that time, we are forced to stop. Immediately in front of our car is was looks like a rushing river, it looked like the road had completely washed out. What makes matters worse are three guys who are stranded, hanging on to a pole yelling at us, “Go back!! Go back!!”. The water is getting higher and higher, so the panicked discussion heightens. Joel says, “guys, we need to get out, get out now!” and before you know it, he and Haefs are gone. I never heard there decision to go, I just heard the car doors open and shut. The problem for me is, I’m on the passengers side of the car, the very spot where the whole force of the rising water is directed.

I try to open the door… nothing… I can’t open it! So, I roll down the window and go flying out the car. The strength of the water is so much more than you expect when you jump out. Water is up to my waist and I can feel debris, dirt, rocks, limbs and branches hitting my legs. The water is so strong, it’s forcing dirt and rocks in between my feet and my Chacos (sandals). We make our way nearly all the way out of the river when we make the decision to go get the car. Probably not the best idea, but we didn’t want Eddie to lose his vehicle. Joel and Haefs go back and get inside the car, I can hear the engine roar and the brake lights go on and off. We make our way slowly back up the street trying to push the car out of the water. All the while trying to tell people, on scooters mind you, DO NOT GO FURTHER.

The whole ordeal seemed to take hours, but in actuality, was only a half and hour or so. I came to India for adventure, and adventure I have found.


Here is a link to a quick video we shot…!/video/video.php?v=715535409698

June 11… part A ... boys home cleanup

One of the primary focuses of this trip to to help the Aldape’s in the boys home they started. The started the home in 2007 for young Banjara Gypsy boys who cannot afford education.

Even though the Indian government will tell the world that the ‘caste system’ is dead, the environment and culture tells of a different story. The Banjara are considered one of the lowest caste, the only caste lower would be the people who ‘break the rocks’, they are supposedly looking for god in the rocks. Aside the obvious problems with the caste system, the one major problem is, people who are in these lower castes have ‘zero’ shot of advancement. So, many times people who live in these castes, live a life of complete defeat, because it doesn’t matter what they do in life, they will be the lowest of the low. Even if someone breaks out of their environment, and say they become a doctor, people will not go to them for treatment because they know that the doctor is from the lower caste. Sounds insane to my ‘American’ ears, but it is a harsh reality of India.

In the Mumbai area, there are around 600,000 Banjaras and an estimated 98% of these people are completely illiterate. So the fact that this boys home takes in children to give them a free ecucation is HUGE. These boys live at the small facility, they are given nutritious meals, education, and Jesus.

The boys are finishing up their summer vactation (summer lasts from April to June) and will be returning to the home this coming Sunday/Monday. So today, we spent time at the home cleaning and getting it ready for the boys return.

An incredible young pastor named, Manohar (31 yrs. old), runs the school. We have been able to get to know him a bit over the past couple of days. After spending a few minutes with him, he makes me want to be a better person, a better man. After we finished cleaning the home, we headed upstairs to Manohar’s flat to eat. They prepared us a true Indian lunch, A-MA-ZING. The coolest thing about eating here is the use of one’s hands, forks are not required, nor are they used. It’s actually quite nice.

June 10 ... Banjara Gypsy kids ...

Today, I was honored to spend time with the Banjara Gypsies that live behind the Aldape’s home. We took several Frisbees with us and invited the children to come out and play. I didn’t know what to expect as we walked down the street toward the camp, I’ve seen pictures of people who live in these conditions, and in driving around town you see the these little communities everywhere.

When we first arrived, the mothers seemed a bit reluctant to let their children play with us, but it didn’t take long to convince one or two kids to play. As we tossed the Frisbee for the first time, I turned around and saw little kids coming from everywhere. One of the older little boys was a natural, this kid is an athelete, he could throw and catch much better than I can, I was truly impressed. It doesn’t take long, in honesty, it takes only seconds for the these kids to steal your heart. When you see their smiles, hear their laughs, and watch them light up the first time they catch the Frisbee, your heart melts.
I did, in fact, have these moments of clarity. One such moment was when I looked down at what appeared to be an old, large ant mound. Alyssa and I began, the best way we could, to ask one of the little boys what lived in these holes. It took only seconds to understand that the hand motions he gave us, told us that the holes were snakes, cobras to be exact! Immediately, after the initial shock of seeing this boys little hand make the shape of a cobra, I realized how closely these people lived to this. Literally, a few feet separated their homes, with no doors mind you, and these people from one of the deadliest snakes on the planet.

When you spend time with people who live in these conditions, it begins to put clarity on what we, as “American Christians”, define between “needs” and “wants”. You realize that the things we think we need, are nothing more than comforts, and when we put our lives in the context of these people, these needs become nothing more than luxuries.

Scripture has taken on a whole new meaning to me, even after a day and a half in India. I’m beginning to realize how I’ve spent a lot of my life white-washing, and dumbing down scripture in order to make my life safer, simpler, easy. Using excuses justifying complacency and my desire to live a life for myself, advancing myself, for things of this life that Do. Not. Matter.

The whole process of getting to India; fund-raising, paperwork, shots, pills, writing large checks; every bit of that was pure joy, because of these little kids. Their faces and smiles have today, made me a better person.

Day 1... June 9... we've arrived

It’s 6:00 in the morning, I have been awake since a little before 5. My body is still feeling the effects of 18 hours of flight, the 12 hour lay over in London and on top of that, my legs are extremely sore from all the walking we did in London. My body is obviously not accustomed to walking with a back pack that weighs 30 lbs.

I’m sitting here in the living room of Eddie and Macarena Aldape’s home. I’m so blesed to have made friendships with these two precious people... people who have a true heart for God, His people, and the people of India.

I’ve been blessed in my life to travel to different places around the world, but I’ve never been to a country quite like this. There is a beauty to it that I can’t quite put my finger on. A “laid-back hurried-ness”, if that makes sense. I was hoping for a trip that would stretch me and I have a feeling that India is just the place to do that.

After leaving the airport, Eddie took us to lunch at a local Indian restaurant, the real deal! It was really good, they had the BEST pitas with either garlic or cheese. At lunch we talked with Manohar, a local pastor the runs the boys home we are going to be serving at the next couple of weeks. Manohar told us the story of how he came to Christ, incredible story of faith, healing, redemption.

Oh, and I did get to see some cool stuff in London...

More to come ….

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So, I told myself (when I started 'blogging'), that I would never blog when angry, and for the first time in nearly a year, I've been tested. The other day I heard something that angered me greatly. I've thought about it for nearly a week now, calmed down, and now feel the release to write about this.

For anyone that knows my dad, knows that he could quite possibly be one of the most passionate people walking the earth. Whether in regard to his family or motorcycles, he is 'all out', he's either in 5th gear or neutral and there isn't a lot of middle ground. But when it comes to Jesus, nothing compares to his passion, I've seen him give up his life in order to gain life. A few things probably come to mind when you think of Steve ... Jesus, motorcycles, tattoos. Ordained in the "Church of God", he now primarily does ministry from the rumble of a Harley Davidson. And let me tell you, I've never seen him so effective in ministry as I have the past few years. People come in this store that would never step foot in here, they feel loved, they search for love, but ultimately they are searching for Jesus... and many have found Him right here.

But, as I said, something I heard last week really hacked me off. Here's the short of it: a man that dad goes to church came in and they began to talk. He told a story of an encounter he had with a lady from a local church. In this conversation she asked him, "have you seen Steve Odom lately?", to which he responded, "yes, we go to church together". She then began to question dad's 'looks', i.e. tattoos, beard (and we aren't talking about normal, just curious questions ... but the judgmental kind). The man said, "Steve has given up his body in order to reach people that you or I will never reach".... to which she responded with the standard pharisee attitude, "I don't believe that one bit". I kknnooowwwwww, hacked me off as well.

Then this scripture hit me right in the face.
All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Matthew 10:22

So when I read this text, two things come to mind.... 1. the world will hate us when we promote Jesus, 2. the 'established church' will hate us when we promote the true Jesus. Follow me here for a second, I don't have to explain the whole 'world hates us thing', but, the 'church' hating us????

When I read the gospels, I see a constant theme: the established church (pharisees/sadducees) absolutely hated Jesus, He threatened everything they stood for, everything they thought was important, everything they thought was holy. He spent time with sinners, loved them, embraced them. They hated him for it... who is this man that he would spend time with these notorious sinners and even eat with them (Luke 15: 1-2). All of this leads me to the conclusion that when we truly mirror who Christ was, and when we truly go to the places he went, loved the people He loved, embraced the people he embraced, it will threaten everything with the established church -- the pharisees and sadducees in our midst -- We will threaten everything they stand for, everything they think is important, everything they think is holy (i.e the church building, the life center, the hymnal, the KJV, the fact that 'we still have church on Sunday night').

To further illustrate the type of 'church' person I'm referring to, here is another story. I was listening to sports talk radio one morning around the time that Anna Nicole Smith died. One of their normal callers (a 'pastor' from Tuscaloosa) called in and made this statement, "I would never let a woman like her in my church" ... key word, MY, church ... this is the kind of people I'm talking about.

If we are going to truly be like Jesus, we better get used to a few things:

1. we may be called drunkards when we spend time with alcoholics

2. we will be scoffed at when we embrace the homosexual who is battling aids

3. and your spiritual stature WILL be called into question if you do anything outside the lines of modern day, institutionalized church

I've included a video of a song that has really spoken to me today ... one line stands out to me more than anything.

"I'll even welcome the arrogant man"

It's easy for me to reach out and love the lost... the hopeless... the helpless. But it's hard for me to reach out to the arrogant pharisee, and that is something that God doesn't give me an option of. God is Love ... therefore I must love.

I hope this has been of some help today... it's just a few thoughts I've been wrestling with.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Updates... headed into June

India is right around the corner and I'm getting more and more ready. At this point I really need people to commit to prayer! Fund raising is going well, but we still have a long way to go.... check out this video for more info... oh, and before you ask, NO I don't know what I'm looking at!! I'm new to 'video blog' :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home Stretch... Updates...

In about 20 days, we will be leaving for India! This whole process has flown by, the cd project was kind of a 'hurry up and wait' deal. But now that it's finally here, I feel like I can settle in to the mission at hand. Although I still have a few more things to take care of, I can now fully concentrate on fund raising.

Thank you SO much to all the generosity I've seen so far!! I'm overwhelmed by the love felt from so many of you, whether monetary or just sincere words of encouragement. But, I still have a long way to go! So, please continue to help me spread the word!!

Tomorrow, I'm heading over to Birmingham to meet with NeverThirst. I'm meeting with Spencer, to share with him my vision. I know God has put our paths together, as well as, put a burning in my heart to help get people the clean water they need to sustain healthy life. I don't have to go into all the spiritual implications of clean water and how it can open hearts and minds to the gospel. Excited!!

The model I'm trying to build for free/missional music is something I believe very strongly in and I know it can work. My limited experience with the 'Christian music industry' and my 10 years experience in 'Christian' retail has taught me a lot about what we do right, but more importantly, what we do wrong. Capitalism is great, but we've missed the boat on how to use it. As believers, we should NOT be focused solely on our stock portfolios and retirement plans. I understand that this kind of statement can be found offensive and I'm sorry if there are those who don't like to think about the fact that their focus might be misplaced. But, if one will read the new testament, they will find that earthly pursuit leads to nothing but emptiness. (insert.. "yeh, but Jim" here)

When I get to heaven and stand before a Holy and Almighty God and He asks me what I did with my time here on earth. God help me if all I have to show him is a successful business model and my accomplishment of early retirement. I pray that at that moment, I can turn around and standing behind me are the thousands of lives saved (clean drinking water) and souls won for the kingdom. If one child can grow up and not die at the age of 7 because they had access to clean water, I'll feel as if I was put on this planet for a purpose.

I'm encouraged greatly by the remnant of people I see coming around to the idea of taking the new testament for what it says and acting on it. I want to see Jesus come back, desperately!! But, we've got a lot of work to do before then!!

Matthew 24:14 (New International Version)

14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

"All nations" here doesn't mean, nations, as in political/geographical boundaries ... it literally means, "all people groups" ....

Here are some statistics via:

Total People Groups:

# People Groups 16,402
# Unreached People Groups 6,693
% of Unreached People Groups 40.8

~~other sources' numbers may vary ... but the %'s are all about the same~~

I'm excited to enter this world and bring the name of Jesus fame!

Love you all deeply!! Let me know if you need anything.... and COME GET A CD!! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Get the EP!

Well, it's finally finished!! The tracks turned out better than expected... being a lower budget project, I was afraid that it would sound like a "home demo", but it's a fuzz better than that :) ... maybe! It's now available for purchase online and I am taking pre-orders for the cd's (be here around May 17).

To hear the tracks:

To download:

To pre-order: email me at, or, shoot me a facebook message with your mailing info. I will give you the details on how to donate for the cd.

~~for the cd there will be a $2.50 shipping fee... if i see the cd's cost less to ship, i'll drop that price down~~

Thanks to everyone who have been SOOO encouraging through this process!! It's been an adventure so far... and I haven't even made it to India yet!!

Grace and Peace

cd artwork

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yes Sir! ... They Get It

So for the past several years, I've been a fan of this band, Mae. I love their stuff... incredible music, great melodies, great songwriting. The last record of theirs I bought was nearly two years ago, "Singularity". Loved this record!!! You should check them out ... thank me later.

So anyway, the other night I was driving down the road late, I picked up my iPod and tried to find something to listen to. Sometimes, searching the music library gives me that "57 channels and nothings on" kind of feeling. I reached the "M's" and saw, Mae. Pulled up the first track on the "Singularity" album and let it play, I was quickly reminded why I enjoyed this band so much.

Yesterday morning, I pulled up ye ole iTunes music store to see what they had new. I ran across two separate ep's they released, one entitled "{m}orning" and the other "{a}fternoon". I purchased {m}orning for $6.99 on iTunes ... it's not bad. This morning, as I sipped my morning energy juice, I decided to go to their website ( and see what was happening in their world. That's when I saw it ... and just about spilled my coffee all over myself.

I'll quickly explain what they are doing and I will also post a link to their mission statement on the website. Starting in January '09, without the aid of a record label, the band released one track at the beginning of each month for download. For a $1 donation you could have the track. What really excited me was that all the profits from these albums would go directly into humanitarian groups.

I knew it!!! I knew I wasn't crazy!!! If Mae can do it ... why can't I. Since January 1, 2009, Mae has raised nearly $65,000.00. This excites me greatly ... I love the idea that capitalism is being used to help the helpless instead of feeding our own (in many cases, not all) greed.

Although the project I am working on will not be a high budget, big sound, production ... I am encouraged greatly by what I've seen today.

Here is the link to the full story ... please take a minute to read:


I'll be in the studio again tonight, feverishly trying to finish tracking. I hoping to have everything finished and mixed by the 18th of this month. As soon as everything is mixed it will be ready for download, available at If you would like to wait on the cd, I hope to have it back by the first or second week of May.

God Bless.... Jim

Monday, April 5, 2010

June creeps up on me...

Hello my friends!! Hope everything is going well for everybody. It's been a while since my last post (apologies), it's been crazy lately. I feel like I've been going all over the place. It's all good!

Just wanted to give you guys some updates on the 'goings on' in my world. India gets closer by the day now and I feel as if the trip is going to sneak up on me. So needless to say, I'm feeling the crunch with fund-raising and such. The good news, I have all my Visa stuff taken care of, woohoo! So now all I need is money!

The cd is coming along, very slowly, but I think it will turn out ok. Half way through the recording, I've decided to scale the whole project back considerably. Instead of using the tracks we've done with the full band, I "think" I am just going to do 4 of 5 live cuts with just me and the acoustic (might not even record to a click track.. so it will have a very 'live' feel). Not only will this get things finished much quicker, but it will allow me to go back later this summer and really take my time and do the tracks right, then take them to either Memphis or Nashville to mix them.

This whole project has really opened my eyes and taught me some stuff about myself. I won't bore you with all the details, but one thing I've learned is that when it comes to my songwriting, there is a fine line between 'brilliance' and 'total crap'... hehe, that's actually painfully true! I've also had MAJOR revelations about songwriting in general, finding how to thrive in my giftings and not force anything.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that one reason we have a lot of Christian music that isn't creative... and to be honest... sounds pretty lame, is the fact that we as artist (who are Christians) feel this need to force songs. Force?? Follow me here, for a long time when I would sit down to write, I felt this pressure to write a song that was blatantly about Jesus and/or a worship song. For several years now I can't tell you the number of times I've sat down with my guitar and after an hour just put the stupid thing down because I was sooo frustrated that I couldn't get anything out. Then, a couple of months ago, it hit me ... I felt God, only for a moment, but that moment was all it took to change me. God spoke to me, this is all he said, "Jim, I gifted you with music, I want you to be you". I quickly responded... thank you, heck yes, I can handle that. Since that moment, songs are flowing out of me.

Mostly, these songs deal with everything from faith to relationships. I've even began to wonder if this will be a "Christian" album (whatever that means). The fact is, I'm a believer, Jesus is everything to me... to the point of obsession. So, that aspect of my life can't help but come out in my music. Having said that, my true heart's desire is to write music that encourages people, both believer and non-believer.

A non-believer might not understand words as, "faith comes alive in the asking", but they will understand, "take your time walking out that door". And who knows, some random person might hear one of these songs and check out my blog or come by this store to say hello, or meet me playing in a coffee shop or club somewhere .... and no doubt they will hear about Jesus. And what if... what if, that random person comes to Jesus. Man, it will all be worth it. I figure if God can use a donkey to speak, he can use a song about a 'break-up'. And if it offends you that I'm not writing a worship album and/or a "just as i am" record.... sorry ... you'll make it just fine. Pleasing folks like you doesn't interest me any longer... living in the gifting God has given me and seeking out the lost with love is what interests me. I think about it all day/everyday. And, if any of that sounds harsh .... I apologize (sort of, hehe).

So anyway, that's the skinny on Jim right now. Please shoot me a message on facebook or an email if you have any questions.

Also, if you would like to help support me with my trip to India or the cd, that would be amazing. Words can't describe how awesome that is and how much it helps.

Thanks.... God Bless...

Jim ... twitter: @JimOdium

address: 1703 Sandra Lee Dr. Jasper, AL 35504

Can I be honest... If you don't mind

So.... if you've read any of my posts since I've ventured into the world of "the blog", one thing you've probably noticed is my tendency to be brutally honest. Sometimes I question whether that is a good thing or not ... that has yet to be determined. This post will be no different, although I will say this, I'm a little reluctant with this post because I normally have trouble conveying feelings correctly. Not sure if it's a defense mechanism I use to protect myself or if it's a problem with explaining what is on my brain.

With an attempt to be as transparent as possible along with the therapeutic process of honesty and writing, I'm going to be honest with some things. ~~nothing terrible and juicy... so don't get your hopes up~~

By now, most folks that know me have heard about the opportunity I've been given to spend a few weeks in India this summer. It was an incredible experience and process of:

1. beginning to hear God's voice

2. actually hearing His voice

3. seeing the opportunity for India open up

4. begin the process of trying an avenue of fund-raising that hopefully becomes a continual means to fund mission

There is one thing that I didn't take into account ... Spiritual attack. (which in hindsight, I should have expected it and it definitely shouldn't surprise me)

I'm not the type of person that thinks that every situation in life is either a "blessing" or "that ole devil is on my back", sometimes life is just life... it happens. I'm definitely not the type of person that goes around looking for the devil under every rock. But, I am well aware that we live in a spiritual world, and the warfare it creates is unavoidable for the believer. Spiritual warfare exists whether we like it or not.

Having said that, from the moment I decided to devote a part of my life to go into a foreign mission for a time and especially since I've started blogging/talking about it, I have been attacked every step of the way. To be completely honest, at times it feels as if Hell itself has unleashed an attack on me. Everything from issues with my home, my car, job, relationships, struggles and insecurities; it seems there has been no let up. If this is part of the process that God has me in, so be it, He will surely bring me through. This whole process has shown me areas where I fail to handle attack correctly and it has also shown me that there is no substitute for prayer and communion with God.

At any rate, I share a bit of my heart in hopes that some will feel a burden to keep me in their prayers. I desperately need it at this point in my life.

One thing that has just blown me away, is there are those that have offered up words of encouragement at the most amazing times. People I haven't seen in ages have sent me messages of encouragement, they will never understand what that means to me and how I will treasure their words for the rest of my life.

I have held on to this scripture ...

Matthew 6:25-26

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Grace and Peace ... I love you guys ...

~~Side Note~~

We began the tracking on the ep I am recording this past Saturday night @ Gintown Studios. It went great, got tons accomplished on the first song. I will admit, working on a project that I've done the majority of the writing and all of the vocals is completely out of my comfort zone, to be honest makes me feel weird. But, I think it will turn out good... we aren't trying to record a earth shattering record that changes the way you look at music... we're just trying to put out some quality stuff for people to listen to... and hopefully raise some cash.

Updates... Reasons for the new website

To say that the last couple of weeks have been crazy, would be a severe understatement. Since my last post, a major door has been opened for me, one that excites me greatly ... that's not to say that I don't have my moments of "nervous".

A couple of weeks ago after church I was sitting at lunch next to Kris Broadhead (pastor, friend, all around rockin dude), I began to share my heart with him about what God was showing me (going on a short term "missional" adventure this year, if you haven't read earlier posts). It wasn't one of those moments where I could feel God in the conversation... it was a normal conversation between friends. As soon as I gave him a chance to speak, he said, "You know... Kyle and some guys are going to India in June for like 3 weeks or something like that". My jaw dropped, it was like a light had be switched on, immediately followed by, "CAN I GO???" ...

So, long story short, I'll be going to Pune, India from June 7 (my b-day) until June 24.

It's almost a bit overwhelming to be honest. Not so much the fact that I'll be spending 2 1/2 weeks outside the U.S. and not so much that I'll be in India for that long, because I know God wants me to do this and there is peace in that. It just feels like I have so much to do, fund-raising to say the least. And let's just be honest, I do not like asking people for money ... and to be even more honest, you probably don't like to be hit up for money all the time. Soooo, I want to come up with different ways of fund-raising...

The first thing I'm going to do is record an album ... actually more of an ep (instead of being a 10 song record it will more than likely be a 3 to 5 song project). The album will be a few songs that I've written over the past couple of years, songs I have never taken into the studio. It will not be a big "nashville" production ... very laid back kind of deal. I'm so blessed that I just happen to be friends with incredible musicians who have offered their services to help me with this project.

What makes this project different from other artists?? This music will be at no charge ... you'll be able to download it for free. The only thing I ask is that you make a donation for the music ... i.e. help me go to India. Now, here is what makes what I'm doing a little more that just "help little Jimmy go to India". After I've raised the money for India, any moneys that come in will still go directly to missions.

I'm a dreamer, always have been and I hope that never changes ... God made me a dreamer ...

I dream of a time when my music builds wells for people that have no means to get clean water ... feeds a child ... serves ...

James 1:27 (New International Version)

27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I'll be updating via this website:

Recording dates, release date, general info ... so keep visiting the site.

You can also message me via Facebook or email me if you have any questions and/or would like to make a donation ...

Twitter: @JimOdium

Thank you guys SO much for the encouragement I've already received ... Your hearts for what I'm doing gives me strength and a daily renewing sense of purpose .... To God be the Glory

Till next time...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just like it was yesterday....

May 1999, I was finishing up my semester (what turned out to be my career) at Lee University. This wasn't the normal end of the semester that I had finished before, this semester was different, I had the opportunity of a lifetime. I sang in a choir at Lee, Campus Choir, I still have incredible memories of that semester with my friends in Campus, friendships that I still hold very dear (even though I never actually see any of those folks... thank you Jesus for facebook).

As I said, this wasn't your "run of the mill" semester ending... the choir was headed to Israel. That's right, Jesusland, the land of milk and honey ... a land torn by war, terrorism and impending genocide (if the Palestinians had their way). I could not wait to get there, I knew that it was going to be a life changing trip.

I can still remember (even have a picture of it) putting my suitcase in the back of my '97 Chevy Blazer, getting in the driver's seat and pulling out of my parents driveway ... I was on my way!!

72 hours later, the plane landed in Tel Aviv, Israel. Some of my friends faces are still pictured in my memory. Travel weary, sleepy, feeling greasy, and excited; I can still see Rodney, Cara, Jeremy Richardson's (why those random people, I don't know) facial expressions as we waited to get off that smelly plane. ~~being on a plane for 10 hours headed to the middle east has a distinct aroma~~

The one memory that is most burned into my memory, the one memory that still brings back the same emotion I felt at that single moment, still comes back to me from time to time. Culture Shock!!! Now, I'm not sure exactly what caused it: Was it being on a hwy in one of the most congested cities in the world? Was it the fact that nothing in the city resembled home? Was if due to the fact that I had been on a plane all night long with little to no sleep?

Regardless the reason, in that moment I had this horrible feeling: I don't belong here! If I could have gotten back on that plane and headed home, I would have, no questions asked. Nobody warned this 21 year old kid that he might have that feeling... it was totally unexpected. After a few hours, I was fine, and that trip changed me ... emotional, spiritually. I grew up a bit on that trip.

More than 10 years later, I find myself with that same kind of feeling. Let me explain...

God has given me a mandate ... words that say with great humility and holy fear of a Holy God. He's been speaking to me for a couple of years now, whispering little tid bits in my ear ... "I'm about to send you out". Which for me is the most exciting, yet fear crippling statement. But, for some reason, at the beginning of this year, His whisperings have become direct firm mandates. GO!

I have no idea where I will end up, for the first time in my life I feel as if I have been thrust into the middle of the new testament, to live a life as the apostles did. The only thing that I do know is this....

At some point this year I will find myself in a foreign field. I know that God has told me to leave the U.S. this year to serve. There are a couple of destinations that have been placed on my heart, I have no idea why: India, Guatemala (Central America to be more precise). I'm sure God will provide the itinerary.

I think the reason I have this "culture shock" kind of feeling is because I feel as if my life is going to be turned upside down. In American society (and sadly, especially in the church) when you say to people that you are no longer concerned with the temporal things of this earth, they look at you as if you have, via Wayne's World, monkeys flying out of your butt. It's crazy talk to them when I say, "I might sell my house and rent a place in order to free up my life". Free my life from debt, mortgage, complacency, having an excuse not to go. It's crazy talk to say that I want to save money, instead of investing in my economic stability (retirement), to invest in eternal things.

I'm using this blog as a kind of accountability for myself ... I need to profess that God is sending me.

So there you have it .... it's done .... I'm going somewhere to serve this year, 2010. Whether for 6 days or 4 weeks, I will go ...

I can't help but think, as I write this, that someone reading this post has the same fire in their belly. But you may feel helpless: what to do ... where to go? Let me say, you are not alone.

... watch this video ... it's on my brain today ...

This is a test...

Testing my new app for blogging....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Stupidest Thing I've Ever Said...

If you know me, there is a constant theme that has permeated throughout my life .... from time to time, I tend to say stupid things (no comments from the peanut gallery... i.e. Brooke, Uncle Todd, Noel, David, Jeremy... you know who you are).

Whenever I think about people saying "stupid things", I'm always reminded of one of my all time FAVORITE stories. I have this friend named Lenny (names have been changed to protect said persons identity), many reading this know who I'm talking about. Lenny, used to work at a pharmacy where he counted pills. One day, Lenny is doing his everyday task of counting pills... a process that requires him to spend the majority of time looking down. This particular day, as he counts pills, he hears the bell ring on the front door, he very briefly glances up and sees that the female customer (who has just walked in) is on crutches. So, in his attempt to be friendly as well as witty, Lenny says the following, "so... did you hurt your leg playing football?". Her response was, "no, I lost my leg in a car wreck....". Yes! It's OK to laugh at that.

Needless to say, that one of the funniest/craziest stories I've ever heard....

I just thought I would share that with everyone so we all could enjoy it. In actuality, this is not the kind of "stupid" speech I'm talking about in this particular post.

I have spent much of the last year doing a ton of "self-evaluation"; particularly in regards to my perspective shifts. I use "shifts", in the plural form because I can go back over the past 12 to 15 years and point out times when my perspective makes a clear and direct change in direction. In the midst of all of this "self-evaluation", I realize that I used to have a word in my vocabulary that should probably, for me, be considered profane .... incredibly stupid at the very least.

That word is, "NEVER".

Here's a few of my favorites:

- I'll never do that..
- I would never say that..
- I'll never use a credit card to buy things I can't afford..
- I'll never try internet dating..
- I'll never change my opinion about that..

I could go on for days with things I've said I would never do, say, experience.

If there is one thing that I've come to realize, it's this, you can pretty much guarantee that at some point if you have used the word "never" in any of the above contexts... you will in fact do it, say it, think it, act on it.

For me, the most prevalent situation would be "past opinions". I can't even count the number of things that I just "knew" I was right about, that I had the "correct" opinion on, only to see that I was COMPLETELY wrong. Or, if I wasn't wrong, I was completely off base with my motives.

One positive aspect of past mistakes is the fact that I can actually see where I went wrong, I can admit that I was indeed wrong. How many people, due to pride, can't muster up the courage to admit mistakes. Can't find one opinion that was wrong, one motive that was nothing more than the selfish pursuit to feed their/my ego.

I suppose that the older I get, my perspective continues to shift ... I continue to grow: as a person, Christian, a man. So I've learned to attempt the elimination of the word "never". The more I use it, the more I am destined to look back and see how narrow minded I've been.

Truthfully, we do not know what tomorrow holds. There is no crystal ball that will tell us when the curve balls will be thrown.

What's the point in using a definite word like "never" in an indefinite world...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Charlie: "Where are we??"

I have been completely obsessed with "Lost" as of late. About two years ago Noel brought me the first two seasons on dvd and said, "dude, you need to watch these, some of the best television ever made". Of course, I kept the dvd's for a year or better and never watched beyond episode 2, which is completely crazy because I have now for the past 2 months been frantically trying to catch up (I'm now on season 5 and should be ready for the new season next week ... heck yeh!!).

Now, in season one, Charlie (one of my favorite characters), makes a statement that foreshadows the entire plot of the show ....

Standing on the beach, looking back at the jungle, asks the most profound of questions ... "Where are we?".

~~ in typical "Lost" fashion I'm going to jump a bit in subject matter and hope to get back to a singular point ~~

Unless you have been under a rock lately, or you just do not care about the state of our world, you have most definitely seen the devastation in Haiti. Conservative estimates have the death toll at over 150,000 people ... mothers, fathers, children, teachers, rich, homeless, the forgotten. All of this has really weighted heavily on me, which could be due directly to the fact that a young man that I go to church with had been in the country for 2 hours before the quake hit and for several days had no contact with him... that's another story all together.

Regardless, I have felt a heaviness for the people of Haiti .... then today I get this email from Noel with a link to an article from "". If you are not familiar with, it is a satirical news website (really funny) poking fun at the days current events.

So, Noel sends me this link, I begin to read and quickly realize that the message in this article is a poignant message to the world. For me, it's a direct message to the church, a direct message to me, Jim Odom - Christian bookstore guy that sits safely at his computer and blogs about the worlds problems and the call of the church.

Here is the link:

So, if you've had a chance to read the post, it's kind of obvious why this speaks to me so much.

From the church's perspective, it troubles me that it takes such a massive calamity to get our attention. Now, I want to be careful not to take away from the enormous show of compassion and aid that has been directed at Haiti. It's beautiful the way the world has taken Haiti under their wing, so to speak, to provide aid.

I think Haiti, more so than other countries, is looked at with "distain" from the United States and it's churches due mainly to the fact that it's a "voodoo" nation. Now, I get the reasons why Haiti has had such hardships since their independence was won from France, we do reap what we sow. And I definitely feel that there are consequences for a nation when the people so openly turn from God.

The problem for me with a country like Haiti is this: as believers we have a tendency to have the "you're getting what you deserve" mentality. Directly followed with the ever popular "i've washed my hands of this", "you're on your own". The simple fact of the matter is, we all deserve death... Never has there been a person born on this planet that didn't serve such a fate. I praise an almighty Jesus who said, "I'll take God's wrath, instead of it being poured out on you". So, regardless of Haiti's past, they need Christ... they need Love... period.

"Where are we??" ... a question I should never have to ask myself again ....

I know exactly where we are .... In a world that needs love: Haiti, Africa, Woodlawn (community in Birmingham), Guatemala, China .... BEFORE the tragedy strikes.