To say that the last couple of weeks have been crazy, would be a severe understatement. Since my last post, a major door has been opened for me, one that excites me greatly ... that's not to say that I don't have my moments of "nervous".
A couple of weeks ago after church I was sitting at lunch next to Kris Broadhead (pastor, friend, all around rockin dude), I began to share my heart with him about what God was showing me (going on a short term "missional" adventure this year, if you haven't read earlier posts). It wasn't one of those moments where I could feel God in the conversation... it was a normal conversation between friends. As soon as I gave him a chance to speak, he said, "You know... Kyle and some guys are going to India in June for like 3 weeks or something like that". My jaw dropped, it was like a light had be switched on, immediately followed by, "CAN I GO???" ...
So, long story short, I'll be going to Pune, India from June 7 (my b-day) until June 24.
It's almost a bit overwhelming to be honest. Not so much the fact that I'll be spending 2 1/2 weeks outside the U.S. and not so much that I'll be in India for that long, because I know God wants me to do this and there is peace in that. It just feels like I have so much to do, fund-raising to say the least. And let's just be honest, I do not like asking people for money ... and to be even more honest, you probably don't like to be hit up for money all the time. Soooo, I want to come up with different ways of fund-raising...
The first thing I'm going to do is record an album ... actually more of an ep (instead of being a 10 song record it will more than likely be a 3 to 5 song project). The album will be a few songs that I've written over the past couple of years, songs I have never taken into the studio. It will not be a big "nashville" production ... very laid back kind of deal. I'm so blessed that I just happen to be friends with incredible musicians who have offered their services to help me with this project.
What makes this project different from other artists?? This music will be at no charge ... you'll be able to download it for free. The only thing I ask is that you make a donation for the music ... i.e. help me go to India. Now, here is what makes what I'm doing a little more that just "help little Jimmy go to India". After I've raised the money for India, any moneys that come in will still go directly to missions.
I'm a dreamer, always have been and I hope that never changes ... God made me a dreamer ...
I dream of a time when my music builds wells for people that have no means to get clean water ... feeds a child ... serves ...
James 1:27 (New International Version)
27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I'll be updating via this website:
Recording dates, release date, general info ... so keep visiting the site.
You can also message me via Facebook or email me if you have any questions and/or would like to make a donation ...
Twitter: @JimOdium
Thank you guys SO much for the encouragement I've already received ... Your hearts for what I'm doing gives me strength and a daily renewing sense of purpose .... To God be the Glory
Till next time...
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