Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
So, I told myself (when I started 'blogging'), that I would never blog when angry, and for the first time in nearly a year, I've been tested. The other day I heard something that angered me greatly. I've thought about it for nearly a week now, calmed down, and now feel the release to write about this.
For anyone that knows my dad, knows that he could quite possibly be one of the most passionate people walking the earth. Whether in regard to his family or motorcycles, he is 'all out', he's either in 5th gear or neutral and there isn't a lot of middle ground. But when it comes to Jesus, nothing compares to his passion, I've seen him give up his life in order to gain life. A few things probably come to mind when you think of Steve ... Jesus, motorcycles, tattoos. Ordained in the "Church of God", he now primarily does ministry from the rumble of a Harley Davidson. And let me tell you, I've never seen him so effective in ministry as I have the past few years. People come in this store that would never step foot in here, they feel loved, they search for love, but ultimately they are searching for Jesus... and many have found Him right here.But, as I said, something I heard last week really hacked me off. Here's the short of it: a man that dad goes to church came in and they began to talk. He told a story of an encounter he had with a lady from a local church. In this conversation she asked him, "have you seen Steve Odom lately?", to which he responded, "yes, we go to church together". She then began to question dad's 'looks', i.e. tattoos, beard (and we aren't talking about normal, just curious questions ... but the judgmental kind). The man said, "Steve has given up his body in order to reach people that you or I will never reach".... to which she responded with the standard pharisee attitude, "I don't believe that one bit". I kknnooowwwwww, hacked me off as well.
Then this scripture hit me right in the face.All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Matthew 10:22
So when I read this text, two things come to mind.... 1. the world will hate us when we promote Jesus, 2. the 'established church' will hate us when we promote the true Jesus. Follow me here for a second, I don't have to explain the whole 'world hates us thing', but, the 'church' hating us????
When I read the gospels, I see a constant theme: the established church (pharisees/sadducees) absolutely hated Jesus, He threatened everything they stood for, everything they thought was important, everything they thought was holy. He spent time with sinners, loved them, embraced them. They hated him for it... who is this man that he would spend time with these notorious sinners and even eat with them (Luke 15: 1-2). All of this leads me to the conclusion that when we truly mirror who Christ was, and when we truly go to the places he went, loved the people He loved, embraced the people he embraced, it will threaten everything with the established church -- the pharisees and sadducees in our midst -- We will threaten everything they stand for, everything they think is important, everything they think is holy (i.e the church building, the life center, the hymnal, the KJV, the fact that 'we still have church on Sunday night').
To further illustrate the type of 'church' person I'm referring to, here is another story. I was listening to sports talk radio one morning around the time that Anna Nicole Smith died. One of their normal callers (a 'pastor' from Tuscaloosa) called in and made this statement, "I would never let a woman like her in my church" ... key word, MY, church ... this is the kind of people I'm talking about.If we are going to truly be like Jesus, we better get used to a few things:
1. we may be called drunkards when we spend time with alcoholics
2. we will be scoffed at when we embrace the homosexual who is battling aids
3. and your spiritual stature WILL be called into question if you do anything outside the lines of modern day, institutionalized church
I've included a video of a song that has really spoken to me today ... one line stands out to me more than anything.
"I'll even welcome the arrogant man"
It's easy for me to reach out and love the lost... the hopeless... the helpless. But it's hard for me to reach out to the arrogant pharisee, and that is something that God doesn't give me an option of. God is Love ... therefore I must love.
I hope this has been of some help today... it's just a few thoughts I've been wrestling with.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Updates... headed into June
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Home Stretch... Updates...
In about 20 days, we will be leaving for India! This whole process has flown by, the cd project was kind of a 'hurry up and wait' deal. But now that it's finally here, I feel like I can settle in to the mission at hand. Although I still have a few more things to take care of, I can now fully concentrate on fund raising.
Thank you SO much to all the generosity I've seen so far!! I'm overwhelmed by the love felt from so many of you, whether monetary or just sincere words of encouragement. But, I still have a long way to go! So, please continue to help me spread the word!!
Tomorrow, I'm heading over to Birmingham to meet with NeverThirst. I'm meeting with Spencer, to share with him my vision. I know God has put our paths together, as well as, put a burning in my heart to help get people the clean water they need to sustain healthy life. I don't have to go into all the spiritual implications of clean water and how it can open hearts and minds to the gospel. Excited!!
The model I'm trying to build for free/missional music is something I believe very strongly in and I know it can work. My limited experience with the 'Christian music industry' and my 10 years experience in 'Christian' retail has taught me a lot about what we do right, but more importantly, what we do wrong. Capitalism is great, but we've missed the boat on how to use it. As believers, we should NOT be focused solely on our stock portfolios and retirement plans. I understand that this kind of statement can be found offensive and I'm sorry if there are those who don't like to think about the fact that their focus might be misplaced. But, if one will read the new testament, they will find that earthly pursuit leads to nothing but emptiness. (insert.. "yeh, but Jim" here)
When I get to heaven and stand before a Holy and Almighty God and He asks me what I did with my time here on earth. God help me if all I have to show him is a successful business model and my accomplishment of early retirement. I pray that at that moment, I can turn around and standing behind me are the thousands of lives saved (clean drinking water) and souls won for the kingdom. If one child can grow up and not die at the age of 7 because they had access to clean water, I'll feel as if I was put on this planet for a purpose.
I'm encouraged greatly by the remnant of people I see coming around to the idea of taking the new testament for what it says and acting on it. I want to see Jesus come back, desperately!! But, we've got a lot of work to do before then!!
Matthew 24:14 (New International Version)
14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
"All nations" here doesn't mean, nations, as in political/geographical boundaries ... it literally means, "all people groups" ....
Here are some statistics via:
Total People Groups:
# People Groups 16,402
# Unreached People Groups 6,693
% of Unreached People Groups 40.8
~~other sources' numbers may vary ... but the %'s are all about the same~~
I'm excited to enter this world and bring the name of Jesus fame!
Love you all deeply!! Let me know if you need anything.... and COME GET A CD!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Get the EP!
Well, it's finally finished!! The tracks turned out better than expected... being a lower budget project, I was afraid that it would sound like a "home demo", but it's a fuzz better than that :) ... maybe! It's now available for purchase online and I am taking pre-orders for the cd's (be here around May 17).
To hear the tracks:
To download:
To pre-order: email me at, or, shoot me a facebook message with your mailing info. I will give you the details on how to donate for the cd.
~~for the cd there will be a $2.50 shipping fee... if i see the cd's cost less to ship, i'll drop that price down~~
Thanks to everyone who have been SOOO encouraging through this process!! It's been an adventure so far... and I haven't even made it to India yet!!
Grace and Peace